Frequently asked questions about blocks

Have any questions about our service?
You can find answers to them here to enhance your Blocks experience.

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  • How to use our service
  • Data Storage, Corporate Use
  • Other questions

How to use our service

How do I get started with Blocks?

Anyone can start working in Blocks. To get to the sign up page, you need to click the “Try it for free” button. Enter your email address, set a password, check the checkbox “I agree to Privacy Policy”. You can also check the checkbox “I would like to receive updates from Blocks” if you want and click the “Sign up” button.

How can I book a demo call?

We host demo calls for companies that are thinking of using our service. We will walk you through the existing features and tell you about upcoming updates.

To schedule a call, go to the main page and click “Book a demo call”. Fill out a short form and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.

Do I have to know HTML to create or edit email templates?

With Blocks builder, anyone can create and edit emails.

Use the preview panel to edit the text blocks. If you need to change the properties of a visual element, select it and go to the left sidebar.

Can I migrate to Blocks from another email builder?

Yes, you can export your email templates from other email editors and work with them in Blocks! Blocks supports email templates from Stripo, Sendsay, BEE Free, Unlayer, Postcards,, and Sender. If you want to export your emails from another platform, visit this page or contact us to make sure they’re compatible with Blocks drag-n-drop editor.

How do I create and set up a new project?

Go to the “Projects” page → Click “Add a new project” → Enter the project name → Click “Add” → The project is all set.

You can add members to the project straightaway: they just need to have a Blocks account. To add new members, go to the “Members” section → Enter the user’s email address in the upper right corner → Click “Add a Member”. They will have a User status, but you can assign the Project Owner role or change it to Admin.

How do I create an email and what are my options?

Open the “Emails” section within your project and click “Create a new email” button. You will start with a tour around the service and our own template. The next templates you create will be empty.

The email will be automatically added to the list. You can insert your HTML code into it: open the code editor by clicking the ^ button at the bottom of the page and paste your HTML code into the code editor field. The email will be opened in the preview panel. You can edit its name and press “Save” to save it in the system.

Go to the list of project emails to find the email you’ve just created. Here you can Clone, Remove, or Lock the email. The latter function is great for modular templates.

There are more new features coming your way: you’ll be able to build an email with your own preset template, upload archive or HTML files.

How do I edit text, images, margins?

You can edit and add text in the preview panel:

  • Format the text: make it bold, italicized, or strikethrough.
  • Change the color of the text and text background.
  • Paste links and emojis.

If you have an image uploaded somewhere, you can write its path. You can also upload images from your device. To edit an image, select it and go to the left sidebar to change is properties:

  • Adjust the image width and height.
  • Add alt text.
  • Choose from different options of adding borders around your images.
  • Change the color, width, and style of image borders.
  • Adjust the border radius property to add rounded corners to your element, 
  • Edit margins: Click on a margin (it will be highlighted with a striped line) to set its height.
How can I edit other visual elements of the email template?

As you may know, an HTML email is a combination of elements containing other elements. These containers are called tags. We will mostly work with such tags as images, text, tables, and table columns.

Click an image to start working with it in the editor. You can also delete the element or go to a table cell containing this element to:

  • Specify the background color of the cell.
  • Insert and adjust the background image.
  • Add paddings.
  • Set borders and border radius.
  • Choose horizontal or vertical alignment of the image.

To get back from editing the table cell to the table itself, click “Up to Table”. We can work with the following table parameters:

  • Width (min and max).
  • Table alignment.

Once you’re through with editing an element, you can go the next element until you get to the table that embeds the whole email.

Can I build an email from blocks?

With Blocks, you can. There are two ways to build an email without resorting to coding. You can use structures & elements or blocks.

For structures & elements go to the “Build” section. Drag the structures to your email and insert elements into it. We prepared a more detailed guide for this way of building emails in Blocks.

A quick reminder: this panel will appear after you add an <em> block attribute. You can also use such tags as <tr>, <table>, and <div> for blocks.

Press “Save to Block” → Enter the block name → Choose its type (e.g., header) and tag. Later you will be able to use these parameters to search for blocks in the list.

Click “Create Block”. Now you can see it in the left panel. Try saving one more block choosing different type (like content). Create a block.

Can I send an email campaign straight from Blocks?

You can’t send email campaigns from the Blocks builder, but you can use it to build and set up an email and export the HTML code to your ESP of choice.

What ESPs are compatible with the code I get?

You can import the HTML code of your email from Blocks to any ESP that supports HTML.

How do I test an email in different ESPs?

To test an email in different ESPs, you need to send it to your email address or to your colleagues. 

Press the “Send” button (the one that looks like a paper plane) → Enter the subject line and the email address that will receive your email → Hit “Send”. 

You won’t have to type these email addresses next time as the service will remember them.

The pre-installed templates were tested by our developers but you can run an additional test if you want.

How do I download the code I got for further use?

Here’s how you can download your code: Click the ^ button at the bottom of the page → Copy your code and paste it to the code for.

Later you will also be able to export your email to an archive or as an HTML file or import it to any popular ESP.

What languages does your interface support?

Right now you can choose only the English language.

Check out our roadmap to see when we’re planning on releasing new features. You can also leave your suggestions and vote for other ideas: we’ll look into every one.

Data Storage, Corporate Use

Can I use my own data storage?

We’re planning on allowing the users to store data on their servers without uploading the images to our CDN.

Check out our roadmap to see when we’re planning on releasing new features. You can also leave your suggestions and vote for other ideas: we’ll look into every one.

How can I book a demo call?

We host demo calls for companies that are thinking of using our service. We will walk you through the existing features and tell you about upcoming updates.

To schedule a call, go to the main page and click “Book a demo call”. Fill out a short form and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.

How long are images stored on the server?

Your images are stored for an unlimited time on our server.

Can several people work on the same project?

Yes, if they have a Blocks account. Blocks offers different levels of content access.

How do I restrict editing of my email?

Open the list of email projects → Click on the email you want to restrict access to → Press Lock

Can I filter emails in the project?

You can filter your emails by name and email tags. There is also a filter by type for blocks.

There are more filters and tags coming soon. Check out our roadmap to see when we’re planning on releasing new features. You can also leave your suggestions and vote for other ideas: we’ll look into every one.

Other questions

How can I report a bug?

Contact us at or via the live chat on our website. We strive to make our service perfect!

What is the difference between the Free and Paid versions?

With the Free version, you can try Blocks and see if our service works for you. If you want to continue using Blocks on a regular basis, you should think of switching to the Paid version.

What payment methods do you offer?

You can use any major credit card and update your payment details at any time.

Can I add GIFs?

You can use GIFs both as foreground and background elements. Just a heads-up: Outlook doesn’t support GIFs and shows only the first frame.

Can I build an AMP email with Blocks?

You can’t build an AMP email with Blocks yet, but you can edit AMP elements.

Can I use your platform offline?

No, as Blocks is a web service. Internet connection is required to get access to your data stored on servers.

Are designs mobile-friendly?

Yes, the templates are adaptive and mobile-friendly.

Is there a Saas plugin?

Not yet, but stay tuned — we’re working on it.