Merge tags

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 130 views

Merge tags are elements of a text or an image that automatically change depending on the email delivery conditions. For example, they can be used to create a personalized heading “Hello, John” where “John” is a merge tag that is automatically replaced for every recipient.

Blocks doesn’t require any coding knowledge to use these tags.

To insert a merge tag into the email copy, you need to:

  1. Click on an email copy part you want to turn into a merge tag.
  2. Click the “{} Merge tags” button in the right pannel.
  3. Choose the required tag from the list.

Note: at the moment the only merge tags available are for the Selzy platform. More will be added in the future.

To replace an image with a merge tag, you need to:

  1. Click on an image you want to turn into a merge tag.
  2. Click the “{} Merge tags” button in the right pannel.
  3. Choose the required tag from the list.

Note: at the moment the only merge tags available are for the Selzy platform. More will be added in the future.

To create your own merge tag you need to:

  1. Choose a text or an image you want to turn into a merge tag.
  2. Click the “{…} Text Replacer” or “{…} Image Replacer” button in the right pannel.
  3. Enter the name of your merge tag in the {{Tag_Name}} format, e.g. {{Phone}}.

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