Ignite Sales with Irresistible Black Friday Email Templates

Unleash the power of Black Friday email marketing with professionally designed email templates and don’t miss out on the opportunity to stand out in the inbox! From attention-grabbing subject lines to captivating visuals, our Black Friday templates are tailored to drive engagement and boost conversions.

Black Friday is filled with opportunities for ecommerce: it’s a time when consumers are ready to spend, and businesses are eager to sell. And among the various strategies during this lucrative period, Black Friday email campaigns remain one of the most effective. 

Let’s take a closer look at how to craft your Black Friday email templates and check out some of the best Black Friday email examples.

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Black Friday Email Templates: Ideas & Examples

Though it’s in no way rocket science, a compelling approach is required to create an effective Black Friday template. Let’s fuel up the inspiration and take a look at 7 ideas for your next Black Friday email campaign:

1. The Early Bird Special. Make the customers feel like true champions and reward early shoppers with exclusive deals. This strategy not only encourages buyers to shop early but also helps spread out your sales, reducing the pressure on your website and customer service team during Black Friday itself.

Early bird Black Friday email example by Moment
Early bird Black Friday email example by Moment

2. The Countdown Email. Boost excitement in your Black Friday email template by including a countdown timer! This seemingly simple element can create a sense of urgency, encouraging customers to act quickly. Add a countdown timer to your emails leading up to Black Friday and keep your sale on top of customers’ minds.

Black Friday email example by reMarkable containing a countdown timer
Black Friday email example by reMarkable containing a countdown timer

3. The VIP Special. Your most loyal customers deserve to be treated in a special way. For example, you may craft unique Black Friday templates that offer exclusive deals to your VIP clients. This can deepen your bonds with them and encourage further, long-lasting loyalty.

Members Only Black Friday email example by Pioneer
Members Only Black Friday email example by Pioneer

4. The Bundled Deal Email. What makes bundled deals so effective is the fact that they can entice customers to buy more than initially intended. Use your Black Friday email templates to promote your bundled products and, in turn, increase the average order value.

Black Friday email example by June Oven that contains bundled deals
Black Friday email example by June Oven that contains bundled deals

5. The Free Shipping Email. For many customers, free shipping is a very powerful incentive. Whether you offer them permanently or it’s a one-time deal, be sure to highlight this in your Black Friday email templates. Include all the relevant information, such as the free shipping threshold, delivery locations, and other important terms.

Free shipping Black Friday email example by Everlane
Free shipping Black Friday email example by Everlane

6. The Extended Sale Email. No need to limit yourself to 1 or 2 days only! Extend your Black Friday deals into the weekend (or even into Cyber Monday) and let your customers know about it using a special Black Friday template. Indicate the timeframe and provide all the required information on the terms and conditions of your sales.

Extended sale Black Friday email example by National Geographics
Extended sale Black Friday email example by National Geographics

7. The Last Chance Email. Black Friday draws to a close? Time to send a reminder about it! Prepare the “last chance” Black Friday email template to remind customers that time is running out, and they must act now to take advantage of your deals.

Last chance Black Friday email example by Booking.com
Last chance Black Friday email example by Booking.com

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5 Pitfalls to Avoid in Your Black Friday Email Templates

To ensure the success of your Black Friday email campaign, you must remember not only what you should do, but also what you should avoid. Let’s take a look at 5 common pitfalls that might stand in your way:

  1. Complicated design. An overly complex design can make your Black Friday email template difficult to read, leading to lower engagement rates. The best practice is to keep the design simple and clean, ensuring that your message is easy to understand.
  2. Lack of personalization. Customers love to feel valued and treated with a personal approach. Personalized Black Friday email templates can help achieve this. By tailoring your emails to individual subscribers, you can increase their engagement and boost conversion rates as a result.
  3. Missing call-to-action. No marketing email is complete without a compelling CTA: it is crucial for motivating customers to take the desired action. Whether it’s visiting your website or making a purchase, make sure your CTA is clear, concise, and prominently displayed in every Black Friday template.
  4. Too many emails. Staying in touch with customers is undoubtedly important, but way too many emails may simply alienate your subscribers. Strike a balance between maintaining engagement and respecting personal space: don’t send too many Black Friday emails so as not to leave an unpleasant impression.
  5. Neglecting mobile optimization. Nowadays, the vast majority of people check their emails on smartphones, which makes mobile optimization an absolute must. Make your Black Friday email templates mobile-friendly and test them thoroughly. In a worst-case scenario, an email that’s difficult to read on a mobile device can even lead to unsubscribes.

5 Tips for Best Black Friday Email Subject Lines

The subject line is where it all starts: it’s the first email element that your subscribers see. But what is required to create the best Black Friday email subject lines that captivate the recipients from the get-go? These 5 tips will help you find out:

  1. Be clear and direct. Sometimes, a simple and straightforward approach works wonders and helps craft the best Black Friday email subject lines. Clearly stating the offer in the subject line (such as “50% Off Everything! Black Friday Sale Starts Now!”) instantly shows what to expect and can be very effective.
  2. Leverage urgency and scarcity. A sense of urgency is a force to be reckoned with. Take advantage of it to create your best Black Friday email subject line! Phrases that suggest a limited-time offer or availability (like “Last Chance!” or “Hurry Up!”) can encourage the recipients to act quickly.
  3. Invoke curiosity. Make your subscribers curious about what’s inside the email, but don’t give everything away just yet. Save the best for the email copy, and craft your Black Friday email subject line with a pinch of mystery. This small yet effective detail can pique interest and boost open rates.
  4. Use power words. Some of the best Black Friday email subject lines incorporate language that evokes emotions or a strong response. Words and phrases like “Exclusive” or “Sneak Peek” can make your subject line even more compelling and propel the subscribers to open the email fast.
  5. Incorporate emojis carefully. Emojis might be exactly what you need to create the best Black Friday email subject line. Yet while they can make your subject line stand out, you must use emojis sparingly and appropriately. Choose emojis that are relevant to your message and keep their quantity reasonable.

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Create Your Black Friday Email Templates with Blocks

Crafting a compelling Black Friday email template sounds daunting and demanding? Not anymore! With Blocks, a no-code drag-and-drop email editor, you can create stunning Black Friday emails with ease. 

Here’s why you should consider Blocks to craft your Black Friday email campaign:

  • Template gallery. Blocks boasts a vast collection of pre-designed templates, perfect for any business or occasion. Choose one from a range of customizable templates, and edit it to match your brand identity in just a couple of clicks.
  • Clean code. Our email builder delivers clean, minimalistic code, devoid of any unnecessary elements. This ensures that your emails load quickly and display correctly across various email clients, contributing to a seamless experience for your subscribers.
  • Responsive design. Blocks automatically optimizes your emails for different devices. Whether it’s desktop or mobile, our tool ensures that your message always looks gorgeous.
  • Image editor. An image is worth a thousand words, and with Blocks, you can make your visuals speak volumes. The built-in image editor allows you to tweak and tailor your images directly within the platform, saving you from the hassle of using external editing tools.
  • Easy customization. Blocks offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that makes email customization a breeze. Move the elements around, add new blocks, change colors, add text, and more without a single line of code!


Black Friday is a special shopping day that offers unique opportunities for companies and marketers. Well-crafted, personalized, and timed Black Friday emails have all the chances to become exceptionally effective. 

With these tips and examples in mind, you’re well on your way to creating a successful Black Friday email campaign. And to grasp the full potential of Black Friday email templates, craft them with Blocks! Our AI-powered builder offers all the capabilities to create excellent templates that will captivate customers and drive sales!

Working person with dog

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