Never Forget: Meaningful & Effective Memorial Day Templates

Memorial Day, observed in the United States on the last Monday of May, is a significant holiday that honors those who lost their lives while serving in the military. It is a time of reflection, gratitude, and remembrance that gives businesses an opportunity to connect with customers and express appreciation for honorable defenders of the homeland.

Let’s take a deeper look at Memorial Day email campaigns and what to consider when crafting your Memorial Day templates. In this article, we will explore the businesses that can benefit from Memorial Day emails, take a look at the best practices and common mistakes, and share valuable advice on email copy and design.

Who Can Benefit from Memorial Day Emails

Memorial Day templates are a good fit for a variety of businesses. Here are some of the industries that can leverage Memorial Day emails to engage with their audience:

  • Retailers. From clothing and electronics to home decor and appliances, various retailers can use Memorial Day marketing opportunities to the fullest. For example, they can craft a special Memorial Day sale email and offer exclusive discounts to attract customers seeking holiday deals.
  • Ecommerce platforms. As with the retailers, online marketplaces can also benefit from well-crafted Memorial Day templates. As an option, these businesses can curate special Memorial Day collections or offer limited-time discounts on a wide range of products.
  • Travel agencies. Memorial Day weekend often marks the unofficial start of summer. And for travel agencies, this makes it an ideal time to promote vacation packages and hotel deals with the help of Memorial Day templates!
  • Restaurants and bars. The holiday is a perfect reason for families and friends to spend an evening at a restaurant. Catering establishments can entice customers with special Memorial Day menus, happy hour promotions, or themed events.

Crafting a Memorial Day Email Copy: 5 Tips

Whether you create a full-fledged Memorial Day sale email or a simple promo connected with the holiday, it is essential to strike a balance between promoting your business and respecting the solemn nature of the holiday. These 5 tips will help you craft a compelling Memorial Day email copy:

  1. Be respectful. Begin your Memorial Day email by acknowledging the significance of this holiday and expressing gratitude for the sacrifices made by the armed forces. Keep a neutral tone and show your respect.
  2. Highlight the connection. If your business is directly linked to the military or veterans, emphasize it in your Memorial Day template. For example, if you offer a military discount, mention it as a gesture of appreciation.
  3. Offer value. Include something valuable for your subscribers in the Memorial Day email copy. For instance, provide an exclusive deal, discount, or promotion as a way to honor their support and make their Memorial Day experience truly notable.
    Memorial Day email by Goggles4u
  4. Keep it straight. Your Memorial Day email copy must be concise and to the point. Use clear language to convey your message effectively and eliminate any possibility of ambiguity to avoid potential confusion.
  5. Incorporate storytelling. Create an emotional connection with your subscribers through the Memorial Day email copy. For example, you may share a brief anecdote or personal story that ties into the spirit of Memorial Day.

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How to Design Engaging Memorial Day Templates

From header to Memorial Day email signature, the visual design of your template plays a crucial role in capturing your recipients’ attention. Let’s take a look at 5 design tips that will make your Memorial Day templates visually stunning:

Use Patriotic Colors

A patriotic holiday calls for a relevant color palette! Incorporate red, white, and blue in your Memorial Day email design to evoke a sense of national pride and align with the themes of the holiday.

Memorial Day email by On/Go with the CTA to donate for military families support

Include Memorial Day Imagery

For your Memorial Day template, choose high-quality images that symbolize patriotism, such as American flags, military insignia, or memorial sites. Yet, of course, always ensure that the images are respectful and appropriate for the occasion.

Memorial Day email by WorldSoccerShop about free shipping for this holiday

Add Compelling CTAs

Time to lead the subscribers to action! Decorate your Memorial Day template with eye-catching buttons to encourage clicks and engage the recipients with your offer or promotion.

Memorial Day email by Vessel

Make It Mobile-friendly

In the age of high technology, most people read their emails on smartphones. This means that you need to optimize your Memorial Day template for mobile to ensure a seamless viewing experience on any device.

Blocks, our AI-powered email builder, takes care of that. Check how your email looks on different screen sizes and make the necessary adjustments right in the tool itself!

Mobile version of the responsive Memorial Day email by Blocks

Craft an Effective Memorial Day Email Signature

A compelling Memorial Day email signature is a perfect way to wrap it up on a high note. Make it professional and eye-catching, include the relevant information, and don’t forget about all the significant elements to underline your brand identity. 

Working person with dog

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Memorial Day Emails: 3 Common Mistakes

When it comes to Memorial Day emails, some stuff is better left out. Here are 3 common mistakes to avoid in your Memorial Day templates:

  1. Insensitive or inappropriate content. This probably goes without saying, but your Memorial Day template isn’t a place for anything insensitive. Be sure to make the message respectful and appropriate. And, of course, avoid using Memorial Day as a mere marketing opportunity.
  2. Overwhelming sales pitch. Without a doubt, a Memorial Day sale email should include promotions, discounts, and offers. Yet don’t forget to ensure they are balanced with a genuine expression of gratitude and respect.
  3. Neglecting personalization. Generic messages can easily be overlooked (or even marked as spam). A good idea is to personalize your Memorial Day emails: address the recipients by their names and tailor the content to their interests or past purchases whenever possible.


Memorial Day provides a unique opportunity for businesses. By crafting engaging Memorial Day templates and avoiding common mistakes, you can effectively connect with the audience and honor the spirit of Memorial Day while promoting your products or services.

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