Master ‘Follow Us on Social Media’ Emails with Blocks

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, social media platforms have morphed into vital communication and marketing channels. They’re essential to the way businesses and organizations engage with their audience. However, getting your customers to follow your social media profiles isn’t always straightforward. This is where the magic of a perfectly crafted ‘Follow Us on Social Media’ email template comes in.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, social media platforms have morphed into vital communication and marketing channels. They’re essential to the way businesses and organizations engage with their audience. However, getting your customers to follow your social media profiles isn’t always straightforward. This is where the magic of a perfectly crafted ‘Follow Us on Social Media’ email template comes in.

In this article, we’ll help you understand the importance of these email templates and share actionable tips to create one. By the end, you’ll be well-equipped to craft a compelling invitation that lures your email subscribers into your social media community. And where better to create these templates than with Blocks, our drag-and-drop email builder?

The Power of ‘Follow Us on Social Media’ Emails

Before we delve into crafting the perfect email template, let’s first understand why ‘Follow Us on Social Media’ emails are crucial. These emails help you:

  • Expand Your Reach. Social media platforms offer a broader audience reach compared to emails alone. By encouraging your subscribers to connect with you on social media, you amplify your brand’s visibility.
  • Engage in Real-Time. Social media provides opportunities for real-time interaction, helping to humanize your brand and forge stronger relationships with your audience.
  • Increase Content Lifespan. The content you share on social media stays available for new followers to discover long after it’s been posted. This increases the lifespan and reach of your content compared to a one-time email.
  • Gain Valuable Insights. Social media platforms provide access to comprehensive analytics that can inform your marketing strategy.
  • Drive Website Traffic. Social media can serve as a conduit that drives traffic back to your website, boosting potential conversions.

6 Reasons to Create Your ‘Follow Us on Social Media’ Email Template in Blocks

Now that we understand why it’s essential to invite your subscribers to join your social media platforms, let’s discuss why you should create these emails using Blocks:

  1. No-code drag-and-drop builder. Blocks’ user-friendly interface makes it easy to design professional emails without coding knowledge. You can simply select elements, drag, and drop them into your template. This ensures you spend less time grappling with complex designs and more time creating engaging content.
  2. Built-in image editor. Images are critical for social media invitation emails. Blocks’ built-in image editor lets you crop, resize, add filters, or text to your images right within the platform. This means you can maintain brand consistency across all visuals without needing external editing tools.
    Image Center in Blocks
  3. Collaborative mode. Working with a team? Blocks makes collaboration seamless. You can invite team members to view, comment, or edit your email in real-time. This encourages team synergy and ensures everyone is on the same page before hitting send.
  4. Custom blocks. With Blocks, you have the freedom to create your own block templates to save time. Got a perfect social media icon block? Save it for future use. This feature enables you to maintain consistency while also speeding up the design process.
  5. Project storage. Blocks provides ample project storage, allowing you to access and reuse previous designs anytime. You can quickly locate previous ‘Follow Us on Social Media’ templates, tweak them to suit your current needs, and send them out in no time.
  6. AI assistance. With our AI Assistant, you’re never alone in your design process. This feature provides intelligent suggestions and helps troubleshoot problems, ensuring you craft a perfect email every time.

AI text assitent in Blocks

Creating a Stellar ‘Follow Us on Social Media’ Email Template with Blocks

With Blocks’ impressive features, creating an attractive and effective social media invitation email becomes a breeze. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Choose a template or start from scratch. Blocks offers a variety of templates to kickstart your email design. Pick a template close to your vision or start fresh with a blank canvas.
    Blocks Template gallery
  2. Customize your email. Use Blocks’ drag-and-drop feature to add text blocks, images, or social media icons to your email. Remember to leverage the image editor to customize your visuals. Make sure your email is visually appealing but not cluttered.
  3. Craft compelling content. The text of your email should clearly convey the benefits of following your social media profiles. Highlight what they stand to gain: exclusive content, updates, discounts, or a community of like-minded individuals.
  4. Include a clear call-to-action (CTA). Make sure your email includes a prominent and clear CTA. It could be as simple as ‘Follow us on social media’ or more specific, like ‘Join us on Instagram for daily inspiration’.
  5. Preview and test. Before sending, use Blocks’ preview feature to see how your email will appear in different inboxes. Also, consider sending a test email to ensure all elements, including social media links, function as they should.

What to Avoid in Your ‘Follow Us on Social Media’ Emails

Creating a compelling ‘Follow Us on Social Media’ email isn’t just about doing the right things—it’s also about avoiding potential pitfalls that could harm your brand’s reputation or deter your subscribers from following your social media channels.

  • Bland Content. When inviting subscribers to follow your social media accounts, ensure that your content isn’t dull or unappealing. A bland ‘Follow Us’ request may not motivate them to act. For example, if your message only says, “We’re on Instagram,” it doesn’t communicate any value to your audience. Instead, say something like, “Join us on Instagram to get daily inspirations and be the first to know about our sales!”
  • Overloading information. While it’s essential to show the benefits of following your social media platforms, don’t overload your email with too much information. A cluttered, overly dense email could overwhelm your subscribers and dilute your core message.
  • Ignoring mobile optimization. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, a significant portion of emails were opened on mobile devices. If your emails aren’t optimized for mobile, you might miss out on a considerable number of potential followers. With Blocks, you can easily check how your email looks on different devices and make the necessary adjustments.
  • Neglecting to test links. Always test your social media links before sending the email. Broken or incorrect links not only frustrate your subscribers but also make your brand look unprofessional.

Best Practices for Crafting Top-Notch ‘Follow Us on Social Media’ Emails

By following a few best practices, you can design ‘Follow Us on Social Media’ emails that your subscribers can’t resist.

  • Focus on Design: The design of your email is the first thing subscribers see. Use Blocks’ drag-and-drop feature and image editor to design an email that is aesthetically pleasing, cohesive, and representative of your brand’s image.
  • Persuasive Email Copy: The text of your email should not only inform subscribers about your social media presence but also convince them to follow you. Use persuasive writing techniques to highlight the benefits they’ll receive from following your social media channels.
    Follow us on social media email template by Winnie Lou
  • Personalization: Personalized emails often have higher engagement rates. With Blocks, you can personalize your emails by including the subscriber’s name or other relevant information.
  • Prominent CTA: Your call-to-action (CTA) should be visually prominent and direct. Use action words and phrases to encourage subscribers to follow you on social media. For example, “Join our Facebook family today for exclusive content!”
    Follow us on social media email example by Tens
  • A/B Testing: Use Blocks’ A/B testing feature to experiment with different email designs, content, and CTAs. This allows you to understand what resonates best with your audience and optimize your emails accordingly.

Key Takeaways

‘Follow Us on Social Media’ emails help expand your reach, engage in real-time, increase content lifespan, gain valuable insights, and drive website traffic. Best practices for crafting top-notch emails include focusing on design, crafting a persuasive email copy, personalizing emails, including a prominent CTA, and leveraging A/B testing.

Blocks’ features make it the ideal platform for crafting these emails:

  • no-code drag-and-drop builder, 
  • built-in image editor, 
  • collaborative mode, 
  • custom blocks,
  • project storage, 
  • AI Assistant.

Keep these tips in mind and use Blocks to its full potential and you will create compelling ‘Follow Us on Social Media’ emails that can significantly boost your social media following and foster a vibrant online community for your brand. Now, let’s start crafting your first or next amazing social media invitation email!